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10 outdoor body sculpting exercises to help you create a perfect figure

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10 outdoor body sculpting exercises to help you create a perfect figure

1. Swimming (600 calories/hour): You only need to look at professional swimmers to find that the body shaping effect of swimming never disappoints. Different strokes work different muscles: Freestyle works the chest and arm muscles, as well as the triceps and latissimus dorsi. ; The butterfly stroke promotes the movement of the shoulders and latissimus dorsi. ; while breaststroke can be used to make the lower limbs also participate in the movement. At the same time, swimming consumes 500-700 calories per hour, which can effectively reduce abdominal fat. The only downside: You have to wear swimming trunks and a swimming cap.

2. Hiking (600 calories/hour): This is a very good outdoor exercise. Hiking means being insulated from the word sexy. Because, it is often the "pilgrims" who participate in this movement wearing baggy shoes and cropped trousers. And hiking on sloped ground will train the quadriceps. Set yourself a goal, such as walking 177km, which is the distance of G20 (Corsica on foot). If you have vagal symptoms, you can lower the target.

3. Running (750 calories/hour): a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, a pair of basketball shoes and a flat surface. As long as you have these four basic conditions, you can jog. Jogging as an endurance exercise can burn about 750 calories per hour. So for people who want to get rid of fat, running is a good choice. In addition, running can also increase body elasticity by exercising the leg muscles and abdominal muscles.

4. Rowing (850 calories/hour): This group sport has the most amazing plastic effect among all outdoor sports. Indeed, one hour of rowing can consume no less than 850 calories. And, not only is this exercise good for the heart, it also builds muscle quickly. Kayaking works the same way.

5. Cycling (750/hour): The calories consumed by cycling for one hour are equivalent to jogging, but the damage to the knee joint is much smaller. , and at a certain age, the knee joint will become very fragile. Cycling can not only help to exercise leg muscles, but also is of great benefit in creating harmonious and perfect muscle lines.

6. Sailing (200 calories/hour): Sailing is a very skill-testing sport, and it requires high balance ability. Unlike other sports, the beginner stage requires the most effort and is also the most important stage.


7. Rope skipping (800 calories/hour): Rope skipping is the favorite exercise of boxers, because skipping rope can make them lose weight quickly before the game. Still, jumping rope is far from an easy sport. Before you start exercising, you must find a flat ground, so as not to throw your neck during the rope skipping process. Keep your feet together and jump up lightly. Within an hour, you can consume 700-800 calories (the specific situation depends on the rhythm), and the muscles of the whole body can be exercised.

8. Rock climbing (600 calories/hour): You need adrenaline urgently for curling in clubs all year round. If you don't feel dizzy, then try rock climbing! During the movement, the body is under constant pressure, and the muscles in the arms and back are formed the fastest.

9. Surfboard (200 calories/hour): Prone surfing is similar to stand-up surfing, but it requires the surfer to lie prone on a shorter, softer surfboard and wear short fins. This exercise is good for exercising the muscles of the lower body, especially the action of slapping the waves is very helpful for exercising the buttocks muscles. In addition, holding the skateboard with both hands can also develop biceps and forearm muscles.

10. Beach volleyball (550 calories/hour): Playing beach volleyball is more difficult than it looks on the surface. Running on soft sand puts a heavy load on your legs. After an hour, you're too tired to catch the ball. Even so, you still burn 550 calories.