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5 rules to help you sleep well while camping

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5 rules to help you sleep well while camping

1. The bulkiness of sleeping bags: The bulkiness of new sleeping bags is slightly worse. It is best to spread out the sleeping bags to make them fluffy after setting up the tent. Of course, the longer the time, the better the heat insulation performance.
2. Complete waterproofness: If there is no waterproof sleeping bag cover, it can be replaced with a large garbage bag. The windows of the tent must be slightly opened to allow the tent to ventilate.
Get out and dry your sleeping bag.
3.Wear enough clothes: Wear enough clothes when sleeping, preferably a hat, because half of the body's heat energy is dissipated from the head.


4. Satiate food: Do not go to bed on an empty stomach, eat some high-calorie food. At the same time, adequate water is very important for the body's metabolic function, so drink plenty of water.
5. Warm up: Don't get into the sleeping bag right away when you arrive at the camp. Sleeping bags are useless to the body that is too tired and too cold. After a good meal, take a walk in the moonlight for a while without sweating. 

As a standard, it is comfortable to sleep with the body warm.