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A few tips for kayaking

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A few tips for kayaking


Kayaking as a new type of water sport has been experienced by the majority of sports enthusiasts, kayaking brings a special feeling that is not to be missed, do not hesitate any longer, let’s kayaking become the joy of your life!



Kayaking has no special requirements for the age of the participants, and it is easy to maneuver and not easy to overturn. Bring a change of clothes, even if you don't overturn the boat and fall into the water, the paddle will easily splash your clothes on the water.

Kayaking is an outdoor sport, in the summer on a sunny day, the reflection on the surface of the water is strong, and there is certain damage to the skin, it is best to apply sunscreen in advance and prepare sunscreen items.


1. The best paddle pitch is to raise the paddle to the top of the head with both hands, and the elbow joint is 90 degrees, and the distance between the two hands is the best paddle distance.

2. Action essentialshold the width of the oar about the same width as the shoulder, the right side first paddle when the oar is down the upper body to the right naturally rotate, the left arm is extended about the same height as the shoulder, over the hull to the right, when the right oar surfaces backward, the body naturally turns to the left, and then the left oar paddle into the water, the right hand over the hull to the left, and use the foot pedal to increase the strength, (right-hand paddle, right foot force) when the oar is returned, the height of the paddle should not exceed the height of the shoulder, and the action of inverted paddling is just the opposite.

3. Keep the center of gravity body does not swing up and down, should swing in parallel, and try to keep the center of gravity stable.