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Best time of day to surf

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Best time of day to surf

Many seasoned ocean enthusiasts will tell you that the best times of day to surf are dawn and dusk.
Those who go out to catch the waves in the morning, find peace early in the day and avoid the crowds that fill the waters when the world wakes up. Gliding over the ocean is not just a good exercise, it is a peaceful experience that many people use to reflect on their lives and connect with the sea. Start your day at the beach, catch the waves and watch the sunrise, and you'll set yourself up for ultimate success throughout the day. Not only will you feel rejuvenated and happy on the shore, but surfing also improves cardiovascular fitness and core body strength. This physical exertion can have lasting effects on your physical and mental health both on and off the water.


Local winds can greatly affect your surfing and should be taken into account every time you go ashore. In addition to the benefits listed above, dawn and dusk are ideal times of day for surfing as they provide light winds - making surfing a breeze. Light offshore winds can provide surfers with well-shaped waves and partial breaks, while strong winds create choppy waves and rough surfing conditions. Because of this, surfers generally follow the basic rule that the wind is usually less strong in the morning, stronger in the afternoon, and usually dies down in time for sunset.

While dawn and dusk are usually highly recommended surfing spots by experts, midday is also a good option if you like the buzz, crowds and socializing, and warmer water temperatures. To find the best one for you, consider your water preferences, your comfort level in the heat and sun, and your ideal situation with other surfers in the area.