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Did you really choose the right bait?

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Did you really choose the right bait?

Due to external differences such as seasons, air temperature, water temperature, wind direction, wind force, sunlight exposure time, etc., will greatly affect the fish's activity, habitat, appetite, and food selection. Therefore, the bait selected for fishing in different seasons is Different from the bait.
Fish have just recovered their active habits from dormancy and need to take in various nutrients. They like eating bait with high protein content such as red and rainbow worms. At this time, because the ground is still relatively cold, earthworms have not yet entered the surface, so red worms are often used for fishing. March and April are good times for spring fishing. In May, fish will enter the mating and spawning period after gluttony and rejuvenation, and they will no longer be gluttonous. After spawning in June, summer has entered.
When the weather starts to be hot and dry, plankton and algae increase, and fish taste starts to change. Big fish are like vegetarian food. At this time, the effect of using flour bait is good. In June and July, small fish are still in the growth period and like food with high protein. Young fish with earthworms can be used. In August, the second spawning period begins, and they don't like to look for food. September enters autumn.
This is the season when all kinds of food are the most abundant. Fish like to eat bait, earthworms, meat larvae, bees, and so on. This is the golden season for fishing.
This is the season when all kinds of food are the most abundant. Fish like to eat bait, earthworms, meat larvae, bees, and so on. This is the golden season for fishing.

Common baits are attached, and it is recommended to save them.
