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How a novice learns to use a surfboard

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How a novice learns to use a surfboard

In fact, it goes without saying that the source of power for surfing is to use the waves as the main source of power, and then exert the balance of your own height, fight against the waves on the sea, and at the same time make use of the strength of the waves and use the power of the waves. , to lead the effect of surfing on the sea.
Therefore, surfers generally choose to lie down or half-kneel on the surfboard at the beginning, in order to compromise with the waves, because the surfboard itself is like a boat, it is floating on the water, and people can paddle by hand. In the form of sea water, choose a more suitable surfing point, then gradually stand firm, bend your legs slightly, make a relatively windward posture, and then walk along the waves.
In fact, not only surfing, kayaking, inflatable boats, etc., basically use this principle. If surfers are good at fighting the waves, they can also achieve similar effects in the face of such marine sports.

The most important thing to learn to surf is equipment - surfboards, how do we choose different types? In fact, this can be simply classified as 7 points


1. Length
The length of the surfboard is very important. The longer the surfboard, the higher its buoyancy and the greater the stability in the waves, but it also has disadvantages. Although it is easy to get started, it is more difficult to start. In addition, the surfboard should not be too short, because many people have to lean on the board at the beginning, if it is too short, it is not suitable. Therefore, it is recommended that if you are a beginner, you should buy a board that is suitable for your height and slightly larger.
2. Width
Like the length, the wider the surfboard, the higher the natural stability. It is suitable for beginners to choose a wider surfboard, but if the board is wider, its shortcomings will be increasingly exposed in the subsequent training, that is, the wider the surfboard. The heavier it is, the less flexible it is.
3. Thickness
The thicker the surfboard, the greater the buoyancy, and it is more suitable for beginners, but the disadvantage is that the thicker surfboard may become a problem in the beginning of the novice.
4. Center of gravity
In different types of surfboards, the center of gravity is also different, generally divided into 3:7/4:6/5:5/6:4/7:3, etc. Different people's center of gravity is suitable for players with different habits, but often The further forward the heavy is, the easier it will be to descend, but the less flexible it will be. If it is a novice practice, it is recommended to choose a more satisfactory one, such as 4:6 or 5:5 is more suitable.
5. Board head
There are two types of board heads, one is round and the other is pointed. Generally, the pointed head is lighter, more flexible and faster, while the round head is more stable and has a large front end. Better balance on the sea, more suitable for beginners.
6. Board surface
The design of the board surface is generally divided into relatively smooth and friction-rich ones. Generally, a board surface with a relatively high friction coefficient is selected. For example, anti-skid pads and other anti-chemical materials are designed on it, so that people can stand on the surfboard more smoothly. , the novice is more in control.
7. Warpage

Anyone who has seen surfing knows that when many people rush forward, the head of the board is slightly tilted, which has a visual effect of splashing water from the ship. Generally, the head of the board is tilted a little, and it is not easy to insert water when launching. It is suitable for novices to eat, but you can't choose too high, because novices may not be able to control it.