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Kayak Terminology

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Kayak Terminology


length of rowing oar: refers to the short distance between the paddle entering the water and leaving the water.

wakf: Refers to the trajectory of the paddle in the water.

rate of stroke, stroke: refers to the number of strokes within a certain period of time. Generally 30-40 paddles per minute. For men's and women's events of all types of boats, there are regulations on the effective rowing frequency according to the training level.

Rhythm or rowing: Refers to the time ratio between the blade stroke and the stroke. In each paddling cycle, relax when pushing the prize, and exert force when pulling the paddle, forming a distinct rhythm. It can make the muscles of the relevant parts rest for a short time, which is conducive to the reasonable exertion of physical strength and accelerated rowing speed.


rowing phase: refers to the general term for the complete action of paddling. It consists of 3 coherent actions of paddle entering the water, paddling and paddle back. A complete movement is called a stroke cycle.

start: Refers to the boat from a static state to a moving state, which is called "sailing". Timely and correct mastery of the sailing technique can enable the boat to gain the fastest speed in the shortest time and obtain an advance advantage.

back water: the opposite of the action of paddling. Reversing the oars can make the boat go in the opposite direction.

Ride the wave: When the kayak is moving, it is a maneuvering technique that uses the wave force generated by other boats to accelerate the kayak forward.