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Kayaks versus Canoes

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Kayaks versus Canoes


Kayaks and canoes are both long and narrow boats that are powered by one or more paddlers. In some parts of the world, kayaks are referred to as canoes.However there are distinct differences between a kayak and a canoe, in terms of their design and history.

While ‘canoe’ and ‘kayak’ are often used interchangeably, a few basic differences include:

Canoe – this is an open vessel,does not have a deck and the person either sits or kneels inside the canoe and uses a single-bladed paddle to push the craft through the water.

Kayak – this is an enclosed vessel, has a deck covering the hull, thereby preventing water from entering the hull and the person sits inside the kayak with legs extended and uses a double-bladed paddle. It has lower gunwales and typically sits lower in the water than a canoe.

There are exceptions – some canoes may be enclosed and some kayaks may be open depending on their intended use.



Both canoeing and kayaking involve paddling a small craft through water. They are low-impact activities that can improve your aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility. Canoeing and kayaking can be done as a hobby, a competitive sport or as a fun activity on holidays. You can paddle on rivers, lakes and the sea.

Canoeing and kayaking are low impact activities that can improve your aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility.Specific health benefits include:

1. Improved cardiovascular fitness

2. Increased muscle strength, particularly in the back, arms, shoulders and chest, from moving the paddle

3. Increased torso and leg strength, as the strength to power a canoe or kayak comes mainly from rotating the torso and applying pressure with your legs

4. Can reduced risk of wear-and-tear on joints and tissues, since paddling is a low impact activity.


Other benefits of canoeing and kayaking

Some other good reasons to paddle include:

Kayaking and canoeing can be peaceful and meditative or can be exhilarating – depending on where and how you do it.

Paddling is a great way to enjoy our waterway


Jusmmile manufactures and supplies various kayaks and canoes, hope sports will bring you more health and happiness.