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Three major formulas for fishing

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Three major formulas for fishing


A. It is better to fish after sunset than before a thunderstorm

It is a common fishing experience to rather fish after sunset than before a thunderstorm. The main reasons for this experience are as follows:

1. Light problem: At sunrise or sunset, the light is softer, less visually stimulating to fish, and it is easier for fish to look for food in the water. However, before the thunderstorm, the weather is gloomy and the light is dimmed, which will affect the vision of fish and make it difficult to find food.

2. Temperature problem: After sunset, the water temperature is higher and the oxygen content in the water is lower, which will make it easier for fish to take the bait. However, before a thunderstorm, the temperature usually drops, and the water temperature will also drop accordingly, and the activity of fish will also decrease, making it difficult to take the bait.

3. Air pressure problem: Before a thunderstorm, the air pressure usually drops, which will have a certain impact on fish activities and is not conducive to fishing. After sunset, the air pressure is relatively stable, so the activity of fish is also relatively stable and it is easier to take the bait.

4. Safety issues: Before the thunderstorm, the weather is usually bad, which may have a certain impact on the safety of fishing friends. And after sunset, the weather is more stable and less prone to safety issues.

To sum up, it is a better fishing experience to rather fish after sunset than before a thunderstorm, which can improve the fishing effect to a certain extent and ensure the safety of fishing friends. Of course, this experience needs to be adjusted according to factors such as different regions, seasons, and fish species, and cannot be generalized.


B.There will be three migrations in a day, and fishing will be done in the morning and evening

Fish migrate three times a day, morning, noon and night. And "fishing in the morning and evening" means that during the three migrations, the morning and evening periods are more suitable for fishing. There are several reasons for this statement:

1. Light problem: During the morning and evening migrations, the light is relatively soft and does not easily stimulate the fish’s vision. However, at noon, the sun is stronger and the light is more dazzling, so fish are easily frightened and not easy to take the bait.

2. Temperature problem: During morning and evening migrations, the water temperature is relatively low and the oxygen content is relatively high, so the metabolism of fish will be relatively fast and it is easier to take the bait. However, at noon, the water temperature is higher, the oxygen content is relatively low, the metabolism of fish is relatively slow, and it is not easy to take the bait.

3. Food problem: During morning and evening migrations, fish usually look for food in the water, which makes it easier to eat bait and take the bait. At noon, fish usually hide at the bottom of the water or in a cool place to rest, and it is not easy to find food.

To sum up, morning and evening are more suitable for fishing, because factors such as light, temperature, oxygen content and fish foraging are more conducive to fishing.

C.When the water rises, the fishing is shallow, and when the water recedes, the fishing is deep

The saying “fishing shallow when the water rises and deep fishing when the water recedes” is often said by fishing enthusiasts, and it is also a kind of experience summary obtained through practice. The reason for this sentence is because changes in the water level will affect the life and range of activities of fish. When the water level rises, the water depth increases and the current speed increases, which makes it more difficult for fish to find food and habitat. Therefore, fish will gather in shallower waters to avoid being submerged or washed away. At the same time, the appetite of fish will also be affected, and they may be more vigilant and less likely to bite. Therefore, when the water level rises, the fishing depth should be shallower, so as to be close to the fish’s activity range and increase the chance of biting the hook.

When the water level drops, the water depth becomes shallower and the water flow slows down, making it easier for fish to find habitat and food, and at the same time, it is easier for fish to bite. Therefore, the fishing depth should be deeper at this time, so as to better approach the fish’s activity range and increase the chance of biting the hook. In short, the phrase “fishing shallow when the water rises and deep fishing when the water recedes” is not only a summary of experience, but also an understanding of the ecological environment of fish.