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Tips for choosing an outdoor camp

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Tips for choosing an outdoor camp


Many people like outdoor camping very much, some people will drive camping, some people will camp and travel, no matter what kind, choosing a suitable camp is the most important. So how to choose a good place as an outdoor temporary home?

Selection skills of wild camping camp: Camp selection.

Before setting up the tent, the terrain must be carefully surveyed. There should be no rolling stones, rolling stones, and weathered rocks above the campsite, especially the closer to the rock walls. If you find a rolling stone, you should immediately shout and notify your peers. Many stone blocks have traces of being wrapped in mud, which is the main indicator to identify the occurrence of mudslides. Do not choose a camp that is too close to a mudslide channel. If it is a thunder day, do not set up camping on top of the mountain or on the open ground, it will cause lightning strikes. Do not set up camps on river beaches, riverbeds, streams, and rivers to prevent sudden flooding. Some campsites that are easy to enjoy the scenery are ideal camping places, but once they are down, the ideal places will become disaster places. The water in the heartland would suddenly swell, submerging the banks of the river. In addition, when choosing a camp, choose a place with good drainage. Always pay attention to water flow and turbidity, as well as the sound of running water. If you feel unusual, run away as soon as possible. Late at night or when you are tired is the main cause of disasters, do not be careless or watch carefully

Proximity to water: Camping rests are inseparable from water. Proximity is the first element in choosing a campsite. Therefore, when choosing a camp, you should be close to streams, lakes, and rivers for easy access to water.



However, the camp cannot be set up on the river beach. Some rivers have power plants upstream. During the water storage period, the river beach is wide and the water flow is small. Once the water is released, the river beach will swell too, including some usually small streams. There is a possibility of flooding or flash floods. We must prevent such problems, especially in the season and in flood-prone areas.

 Leeward: When camping in the wild, you must consider the leeward problem, especially in some mountains and river beaches, you should choose a leeward place to camp. Also, pay attention to the orientation of the tent door not to face the wind. Leeward also considers fire safety and convenience.

Far Cliff: When camping, the camp cannot be set under the cliff, it is hazardous. Once the strong wind blows to the mountain, it may blow off the stone and other objects, causing casualties.

Near the village: If the camp is close to the village, you can ask the villagers for help. This is even more important when there is no firewood, vegetables, and food. Close to the village is also a shortcut, that is, close to the road to facilitate the movement and transfer of the team.

Shade: If this camp needs to live for more than two days, you should choose a shady place to camp in good weather, such as under a big tree and north of the mountain, so that if you take a rest in the daytime, The tent will not be too stuffy.

Lightning protection: During the season or in areas with many thunderstorms, the camp must not be set up on the high ground, under tall trees, or on relatively isolated flat ground. It's easy to attract lightning strikes that way.