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What are the basic common sense of rafting?

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What are the basic common sense of rafting?


1, drifting period for a year from April to October, before you go on wearing should try to choose simple, easy to dry clothes, but not too thin or the colour is too light, or falls into the water one thousand you will be very embarrassing, in addition to carry a set of clean clothes, in order to arrange another ship replacement, at the same time carrying a pair of plastic slippers, for wear on board; If the weather is not high enough, you can bring a raincoat or buy one at the departure point. If you are wearing glasses, please find a rubber band to tie your glasses.

2. Cash and valuables are not allowed to be carried on board. In case of capsize or other accidents, the drifting company and insurance company will not compensate tourists for the lost cash and belongings. If you feel that the opportunity is rare must take the camera, it is best to take the value of not high silly machine, wrapped in plastic bags in advance, open in flat beach, dangerous beach bag, and ready to throw into the water;

3. The first thing to do on board is to read the drifting instructions carefully, follow the arrangement of the boatman, put on the life jacket, and find the safety rope; Drifting boat through the rapids to follow the command of the boatman, do not move casually, should grasp the safety rope, tighten the feet, the body to the center of the hull tilt; If the boat capsized, you do not have to panic, to calm, because you wear a life jacket; Do not get off the boat to swim. Even if you do swim, you should swim in calm water according to the advice of the boatman. Do not move far from the boat independently.

4. The floating boat is made of polymer material, with three independent air tanks. There will be no leakage problem under normal use.

5. Safe crossing of rapids. During the rafting process, please pay attention to the arrows and slogans along the way. They can help you find the main channel and alert the fall area in advance. Before you reach the rapids, try to predict the general direction of the current. Then hello everyone to close the OARS, the feet back into the boat and together, both hands grasp the rope along the boat, the body bent low, do not stand up, stabilize the weight of the boat to keep steady, generally can safely through.

6. Out of the vortex. When the river flow is deep, the vortex often appears, at this time should try to avoid being involved, bypass. If you are involved, remain calm and allow your boat to spin along the eddy. When it reaches the edge of the eddy, you can pull out with all your OARS.

7. Avoid collisions. To keep smooth and avoid collision is the principle to be abidded in the rafting process. When it is unavoidable to avoid, the boat body should be controlled in front of the Angle of collision (side collision is easy to lead to capsize), personnel grasp the rope. After impact, the boat will be parallel to the shore. At this time, the crew on this side should pay attention to the foot to avoid clipping. Sometimes the boats get so close that they have to paddle in the opposite direction or push against the boat to avoid collision.

8, stranded. Where stones are densely packed, the channel becomes narrower, the water depth becomes shallower, the current becomes more rapid, and it is easy to strand. At this time do not panic, available OARS against the stone, force the boat away from the grounding. If this does not work, it is necessary to send officers into the water, from the side or pull or push the boat back into the current, and the boat pulling people to be sharp, pay attention to safety.

9. Overboard. If you accidentally fall into the water, do not panic. The buoyancy of the life jacket is enough to keep you afloat, and your partner in the boat should extend his paddle for the drowning person to grab. If the drowning is far away from the rubber boat, we should try to get ashore or stay on the back of the stone surface (the water current is strong and easy to be hit by the rubber boat) and wait for rescue.

10. Capsizing. Capsizing occurs in areas with strong currents, often because someone falls into the water and the rubber boat's center of gravity is unstable. Keep calm after capsizing, first righting the hull; When re-boarding, pay attention to the balance of forces on both sides, and the other side should be held down while the person on one side climbs on the boat. The dropped paddle must be picked up in time, otherwise to the slow current area can only be paddled by hand. Gas chamber rupture is the worst case scenario. To adjust the position of the crew on the boat, the position of the broken air chamber do not sit people; Try to keep the dinghy stable and dock until help arrives.
