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What are the benefits of outdoor sports for children?

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What are the benefits of outdoor sports for children?


Outdoor activities have always been a great way to get in touch with nature and breathe fresh air.

While children are studying, parents can take their children to do some outdoor activities to cultivate children's observation and learning skills, so that children can get closer to nature and breathe fresh air! It is very beneficial to the growth and development of children!

What are the benefits of taking children to do outdoor sports?



Many parents feel that when their children are still young and take them out for activities, children do not have much memory of the places they go, and their cognition of things is limited.

Some parents also feel that taking their children is not fun, and then give up the idea of taking their children out.

In fact, children's frequent outdoor activities can improve their observation ability, because children are very curious about everything, they will ask questions, have great interest, and remember many things, which makes children's observation ability invisible improve.


2.Social skills

If children often exercise outdoors, their temperament will be more lively, they will be more social, and they will greet people politely.

And those children who always stay at home are relatively introverted, shy, and not good at expressing themselves. This requires parents to take them out to play frequently and encourage them to make friends.

And those children who always stay at home are relatively introverted, shy, and not good at expressing themselves. This requires parents to take them out to play frequently and encourage them to make friends.


3.Active learning ability

Many parents think that outdoor activities are letting their children go out to play, but this is not the case.

Because children are not familiar with the outside world, they will be curious about many things and will keep asking questions. Parents' patient answers will allow children to learn a lot of knowledge and exercise their ability to learn actively.

Therefore, parents should take their children out to play in their spare time on weekends. Even in the suburbs, children will be very happy.


4.Self-protection ability

Parents are always worried about the safety of their children. During outdoor sports, children are likely to get injured when playing, but after exercising a few times, children will learn to protect themselves. At least they know how to deal with wounds. This is also a skill.

Moreover, when children go out and meet all kinds of strangers, they will also have a sense of security and know that they cannot leave with strangers. So, parents, take your kids out with confidence!


What should parents pay attention to when taking their children for outdoor sports?

1.Selection of outdoor content

Children's physical development follows certain rules, and the outdoor activities chosen by parents should adapt to the children's own laws, and must not be counterproductive. Premature vigorous and complex activities will cause physical damage to children. The basic principle is that the younger the age, the simpler the activities should be.

Outdoor activities can bask more in the sun, absorb ultraviolet rays, promote bone development, increase visual and auditory stimulation, and promote brain development. In addition, children's sports ability can also be improved, and they can do some sports suitable for their children's age with the assistance of their parents.


2. Don't be too early or too late

The best time to exercise outdoors is within the time range from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Whether it is sunny or not, the temperature is the highest in a day from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm every day. Of course, it is best to choose sunny weather to take the child out, so that the child can fully bathe in the sun, and the weather is warm, which is more suitable for the child to play in a mood.


3. Follow the principle of step-by-step

You need to adapt to outdoor sports slowly. For example, when the weather is cold, take your children out several times a day. The time for each time out is shorter. Although it is troublesome, it is easy for children to adapt, so parents must not be afraid of trouble. The weather is better, and the sun is more abundant at noon, and the time for outdoor activities can be longer.