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What exactly is camping?

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What exactly is camping?

Camping concept:
Many people think camping life, no matter what is rough. People who have this idea and view are completely uninitiated about camping. Either never camped or a new camper.
A camper who is proficient in forest life must be able to observe carefully and make appropriate constructions in any environment. So that a wild and savage land can be turned into a happy world where you can lie down and watch the stars, roam the green hills, and swim in the clear water. 
Many vigorous young people like to call field activities and mountaineering as conquering nature, but an experienced forester is different. They not only do not call it conquering nature but also call it conforming to nature. "Conquering" or " conforming " results in being close to nature. Although they are both close to nature, their starting points are different. Because of the difference in concept, the preparation for camping "including psychological and material aspects" is different. The ancients said: "Those who obey the sky live, and those who go against the sky perish." It is a famous saying to a forest person, and it is also a big philosophy of camping life.


Types of camping:
According to the length of time - short term, medium term, long term
Camping equipment - tent camping, car camping, RV camping, etc.
According to the seasons - spring and autumn, summer, winter.
By location - Suburban, Wilderness, Campground
According to the nature of stay - fixed point, moving
According to the nature of the activity - training, entertainment, vacation, etc.
By the number of participants - individual, small, medium, large
By audience - child, youth, adult, family or general

Special Camping - Indoor, Air, Water