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Which season is right for camping?

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Which season is right for camping?


Considering the weather and temperature, the most suitable seasons for camping are from May to early summer when the rainy season begins, and from September to mid-Octoberofearly autumn.

It will not be too hot during the day and not too cold at night. In addition, the sunshine time in early summer is relatively long, which is more suitable for outdoor activities for a long time.

After October, the sunshine time is shortened and the temperature gradually drops, so you must pay more attention to keep warm, and don’t forget to bring a soft shell or fleece jacket before you travel.

Different seasons have different camping fun.


It is most suitable for camping at the seaside, riverside, deep mountains, plateaus, etc. It is also an excellent opportunity to use the summer vacation for long-term camping. However, the most crowded camping areas and tourist attractions are also during this period. Camping life also requires planned preparations in advance, and don’t forget to bring long-sleeved skin clothes that resist UV rays and mosquitoes, and put on sunscreen.




When the flowers and plants begin to bloom, camping season is here. When camping in spring, pay attention. Although it is warm during the day, it may still be cold at night. Don't forget to take precautions to keep warm: bring a fleece jacket or a slightly thinner jacket. The warmer weather will be more suitable for traveling after the plants begin to bud.


Since mid-September, when the heat gradually recedes, it is the most suitable autumn for camping. The maple leaves that gradually turn red in the mountains are very beautiful. However, after October, the sunshine time is shortened and the temperature gradually drops. You must pay more attention to keep warm. Don’t forget to bring A shell or fleece jacket.


Camping on the snow, you can enjoy the clear air that is not available in other seasons, enjoy the snow-covered landscape, and feel the magnificent atmosphere. Many people may be afraid to act because of the cold, but in fact, it is no problem to bring a three-in-one jacket, choose a suitable thermal sleeping bag, etc., and take complete measures to keep warm.